在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)同意撤销诉讼案件后,Ripple首席执行官Brad Garlinghouse接受Fox Business专访讨论该公司的下一步行动,他指出美SEC的诉讼阻碍了Ripple的美国业务,导致其95%的客户都在海外,但这种情况即将发生变化。 Brad Garlinghouse强调特朗普的加密行政命令,特别是战略比特币储备和数字资产储备的建立为美国加密公司创造更加友好的环境,因此Ri...
On March 24, the People's Bank of China announced that in order to maintain sufficient liquidity in the banking system and better meet the differentiated funding needs of different participating institutions, the Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF) will be operated by fixed quantity, interest rate invite tenders, and multiple price points win the bidding from this month. On March 25, 2025 (Tuesday), the People's Bank of China will carry out 450 billion yuan MLF operation for a period of one year.
Ripple本周宣布美国证券交易委员会正式撤销针对该公司长达四年的诉讼,CNBC发文称这代表了美国证券交易委员会多年来针对加密货币行业的讨伐已经结束,Ripple案件或将成为相关诉讼的最后一章,因为本案是在前美国证券交易委员会主席Jay Clayton任职最后一天提起的。CNBC列举称,Coinbase、Kraken、罗Robinhood、币安和OpenSea此前的诉讼或调查均被撤销、解决或搁置。
Artificial intelligence company Perplexity AI announced its intention to take over TikTok U.S. business before the U.S. government ban takes effect, saying "Perplexity is uniquely positioned to rebuild TikTok algorithm without creating a monopoly." Currently, multiple buyers including Oracle, Microsoft, Walmart, and former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt and Roblox CEO Jesse Tinsley have also been rumored to be interested in buying TikTok.
人工智能公司 Perplexity AI 宣布,有意在美政府禁令生效前接手 TikTok 美国业务,并表示“Perplexity 拥有独特的优势,可以在不造成垄断的情况下重建 TikTok 算法”。目前,包括 Oracle、微软、沃尔玛,以及洛杉矶道奇队前老板 Frank McCourt 和 Roblox CEO Jesse Tinsley 在内的多方买家也被传出对 收购 TikTok 表示兴趣。
The company said it was “singularly positioned to rebuild the TikTok algorithm" in a blog post that appeared shortly after news reports that it was looking to raise a potential $1 billion.
创办了Mt.Gox加密货币交易所并联合创办了Ripple的连续创业者分享了他的空间站公司Vast的新细节,他希望该公司能帮助人类扩展成为多行星物种。 在3月20日接受彭博社采访时,Jed McCaleb证实,Vast公司有望在2026年5月之前将仍在建设中的商业空间站Haven-1送入轨道。如果McCaleb的初创公司获得成功,它将更有可能赢得美...
Artificial intelligence startup Perplexity is in early talks to raise money at a $18 billion valuation.
Fox 记者 Charles Gasparino 在 X 平台发文称,随着 XRP 价格上涨,Ripple 首席执行官 Brad Garlinghouse 的个人净资产已达到约 100 亿美元,然而 Ripple 似乎没有公开提交的关于该公司赚了多少钱的任何文件,Ripple 毕竟是一家传统意义上的企业,这将是 Paul Atkins 和美国证券交易委员会未来需要关注的问题,因为根据证券法,这些通常是要求披露财务信息。
As the Trump administration takes office and Congress moves forward with relevant legislation, Coinbase has submitted several recommendations to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), calling for clarity on its regulatory authority over the crypto asset market. Coinbase made four main recommendations to the SEC: 1. Make it clear that "digital assets that do not convey any corporate equity are not securities" and should be regarded as "digital goods". 2. Recognize that it is up to Congress to ...
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse said in an interview with Bloomberg that he expects to launch an XRP exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the end of 2025 after Ripple's legal dispute with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) is resolved. "I have full confidence in ETFs, and at the same time, a Ripple Labs IPO is not out of the question," Brad said.
Ripple 首席执行官 Brad Garlinghouse 在接受彭博社采访时表示,预计在 Ripple 与美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的法律纠纷解决后,将于 2025 年底推出 XRP 交易所交易基金 (ETF)。 Brad 表示:“我对 ETF 充满信心,与此同时,Ripple Labs 的 IPO 也并非不可能。”
记者 Eleanor Terrett 在 X 平台发文称,去年 8 月托雷斯法官对 Ripple 案件的裁决仍然有效,这意味着 Ripple 仍需缴纳 1.25 亿美元罚款。虽然枚 SEC 原则上同意放弃对程序化/二级市场销售的上诉,但目前 Ripple 尚未同意放弃自己对 1.25 亿美元罚款和持续禁令的上诉,该禁令阻止其在未将这些销售注册为证券的情况下向机构投资者出售 XRP。消息人士表示,从技术上来...
3月19日消息,Ripple 官方发布其首席执行官 Brad Garlinghouse 的发言全文,他表示:“四年多前,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对 Ripple 提起了诉讼,现在终于可以宣布,这个案子已经结束了,一切都结束了。SEC 并非在寻求正义,他们只是想不惜一切代价赢得诉讼。Ripple 在法律上取得胜利,证明 XRP 不是证券,这是 Ripple 从未想过的一场战斗,但我们知道我们必须赢。而今天,我...